Silvio Berlusconi Court Trial for Sexual "Bunga Bunga" Parties

According to the first public sworn testimony by the Moroccan woman at the center of a sex scandal, Silvio Berlusconi's "bunga bunga" parties were described in detail, revealing that dancers were dressed like nuns, President Barack Obama, and a prominent Milan persecutor. The women then danced and performed strip teases at the "bunga bunga" party.

For the first time on Friday, the Moroccan testified in court against former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Karmina el-Mahroug, also known as Ruby, has made carefully orchestrated statements to the media since the scandal broke but has never publicly given sworn testimony. Both she and Berlusconi deny having had sex. But, police recordings of her conversations with friends show some holes in her story.

Karima El-Mahroug described "sensual" soirees in a discotheque at Berlusconi's villa in 2010 that invitees called the "bunga bunga," saying she was paid 2,000 or 3,000 euros a night. She told police that she never received 5 million euros from him as she told friends in phone calls that were tapped by police.

"I never had sexual relations with him," she told the court in Milan, adding, "I've always refused to be a prostitute."

Confronted repeatedly by prosecutors with contradictions between what she told investigators and what she said in the telephone wiretaps, El-Mahroug said she "always talked rubbish" or "could not remember" particular conversations. The Moroccan-born 21-year-old, a teenage runaway and exotic dancer, also admitted that she had lied to investigators who had questioned her in 2010.

El-Mahroug told them at the time that she had said to Berlusconi she was a minor but in court she said: "As far as he knew, I was 23 or 24." El-Mahroug was testifying at the trial of three of Berlusconi's friends who are accused of recruiting women for prostitution at the parties and abetting prostitution, including a minor. The women are Emilio Fede, an executive in Berlusconi's media empire; Nicole Minetti, a former dental hygienist, showgirl and local politician, and talent agent Dario "Lele" Mora.

Mahroug's testimony confirmed the sexual atmosphere at Berlusconi's infamous "bunga bunga" parties, which were filled with beautiful young women who received compensation for their attendance.  

At her first "bunga bunga" party, Mahroug said, she introduced herself as Ruby and told other guests a fake tale that she was Egyptian, that her mother was a famous Arab singer and that she was related to then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. She was 17 at the time but had passed herself off as being 24.

Mahroug said she visited Berlusconi's mansion, Arcore, a half-dozen times, and that each time she was given an envelope with money, always in €500 bills. The second evening she went she said she was given around €2,000.

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