Pat Robertson Says Cheating Is Natural In Men, Women Are To Blame

Pat Robertson has said that cheating is natural. Robertson, the host of the 700 Club, has said that men are unfaithful by nature. Robertson also said cheating husbands aren't to blame for infidelity.

A woman who was upset by her husband's cheating asked Pat Robertson, the famous evangelical, for advice on how she could forgive her husband. Robertson told the woman "he cheated on you, well, he's a man." Robertson added that that women need to "make a home so wonderful that he doesn't want to wander."

Robertson suggested women are equally responsible when their husbands stray and that they're responsible for keeping their husbands happy.

"Here's the secret," 83-year-old Robertson said. "Stop talking about the cheating. He cheated on you. Well, he's a man. Does he provide a home for you to live in? Does he provide food for you to eat? Does he provide clothes for you to wear?"

Pat Robertson, host of the 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he also heads, also said that women need to keep up their appearances to please their husbands.  He said women need to  "look pretty" and "look alert" to keep their husbands' attention.

"Males have a tendency to wander a bit, and what you want to do is make the home so wonderful that he doesn't want to wander," he said.

Robertson's advice sparked angry backlash from supporters and opposes alike.

"I would like to remind the world that as a follower of Jesus Christ, Pat Robertson does not speak for me or Him. Sorry," one person Tweeted.

"Why is Pat Robertson still allowed to speak?" another said

Roberstson has also joked that if men become Muslim, they can beat their wives, as well as said that victims are to blame for the recent tornadoes, and that Twilight films are demonic

He capped it off with an anecdote about an "awful looking" woman who  asked her pastor for advice about her husband's drinking problem.  She asked for marital advice. His punchline was,  "Madame, if I was married to you I'd start to drink too."

Robertson is best known for his program The 700 Club on The Christian Broadcasting Network. In addition to hosting the show, he founded and continues to head the network.

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