Former Argentina "Dirty War" Dictator, Jorge Rafael Videla Dies in Prison

Former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla dies at the age of 87, while serving a 50 year term in prison.

Jorge Rafael Videla, former Argentina dictator died from natural causes at Marcos Paz prison in Buenos Aires state on May 17, 2013.

Jorge Rafael Videla was known for overthrowing president Isavel Peron in 1976 with his rebel military army, and creating a seven year reign of terror, known as the dirty war. During the dirty war, thousands of politicians and activists were taken from their homes and killed.

Jorge Rafael Videla's reign of terror lasted from 1976 and 1983. Democracy was restored after Argentina's economy became too unstable and their loss in the Falklands War.

Many of the politicians that were tortured and killed were left-winged and were thought to be associated with terrorism. Thousands of the victims included left-wing activists and militants, including trade unionists, students, journalists, Marxists, Peronist guerrillas and assumed sympathizers.

Depending on the source the number of victims killed ranges depending on the source, ranges from 9,000 to 30,000.

In 1985, after democracy had returned to Argentina, Videla was sentenced to prison but was pardoned in 1990 by the former president Carlos Menem as a gesture of reconciliation.

However, in 1998 Videla found himself in prison once again for crimes against humanity. Former dictator Videla originally was serving his sentence at home but in 2008 was forced to serve the remainder of his jail time in prison until 2010 when a judge ruled his Videla's sentencing as unconstitutional.

But yet again, former Argentina dictator, Jorge Rafael Videla wound up in prison for a third time in 2012 for  "generalized and systematic baby theft."

Videla played a role of taking hundreds of children, around 400-500, from captured mothers who were killed after giving birth to their children, during his seven year reign of terror.

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