Milwaukee Bra Ban Lifted: Bar’s Publicity Campaign In Protest Of Ban Succeeded

The Milwaukee bra ban was lifted after a historic Milwaukee bowling alley and bar almost went without the appropriate support after a city inspector decided dozens of bras hanging from its ceiling were fire hazard.

Holler House owner Marcy Skowronski said she and some of her friends started the tradition 45 years ago, when they had a few drinks and threw their bras onto skis hanging from the bar’s ceiling for the heck of it.

Since then, they’ve amassed dozens of bras in all sizes and colors over a ten-year period and it even replaced old bras with new ones at the bar’s 100th anniversary five years ago. On many occasions, people sign and date the bras or leave notes on them.

But an inspector that visited in last month apparently wasn’t too impressed with the tradition, nor was accepting. She said the bras were a fire hazard and Skowronski needed to take them down.

According to Skowronski, the bras have been hanging there for 45 years. “I had inspector here for 45 years. Every year they come and nobody said anything,” she said.

The 87-year-old great-grandmother, who has worked at the bar for 59 years, went to the city Tuesday to appeal but unfortunately missed the deadline. Fearing they would be fined, her son-in-law took the bras down. According to the official inspection order, penalties for violation can cause the bar to pay up to $10,000 a day.

Taking the bras down, however, infuriated Skowronski, who called a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the situation. She was hoping the publicity would help her cause and as well as support from her alderman, Bob Donovan. Donovan made some calls and within a day, the Milwaukee bra ban on Holler House was lifted.

Donovan said, “Long story short, common sense prevailed and the city backed down.”

“We’re going to have a rehang the bras party,” the alderman said,” And perhaps charge at the door.” He said that proceeds from the bra party will go to buying a little common sense for the Department of Neighborhood Services.

Aside from the bras in its ceilings, Holler House, which was started by Skowronski’s in-laws in 1908, is known for its two downstairs bowling alleys. The lanes are the oldest certified in America according to its sign.

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