Emma Watson Of Harry Potter Fame Performs As A Stripper Doing Pole Dance In New Movie

Emma Watson, the former star of the Harry Potter movies, shows off a new celebrity-   obsessed personality and a specific Los Angeles accent in her upcoming new movie, The Bling Ring.

According to USA Today, her fans will be interested to see that Sofia Coppola's new film features a fully-clothed Watson performing a brief but memorable show on Paris Hilton's stripper pole dance floor.

The British actress insists she needs some work on the sultry maneuvers, USA Today reports.

"If you watched the film, I'm hardly a pro pole dancer," Watson said on Friday, promoting The Bling Ring at the Cannes Film Festival where it premiered. "I actually look pretty bad doing it."

But the 23-year-old actress is turning over a new page following the last Harry Potter film in 2011 and taking on more provocative roles, it's been reported. 

The Bling Ring is about a group of obsessed Los Angeles kids who use the internet to track their favorite celebrities so they can rob their Hollywood homes of designer goods.

Director Coppola is impressed with Watson's "transformation" in the film, insisting that the pole dancing was necessary to reflect Watson's real-life character.

"The pole dancing exercises was part of that culture," said Coppola. "I wanted to show that whole universe."

Watson, who was a child star, is growing up as a human being and learning about herself in the process.

"You sort of accept certain things about your personality," Watson said of growing older. "I don't need to beat myself up about not wanting to go out (at night). I thought there was something quite peculiar about me because I was this insular person. But that's just how I am. You learn to be okay with the way you are."

This new awareness of herself will not include ordering a stripper pole for her own home.

"Shockingly no," Watson laughed, when asked by USA Today about getting her own pole. "But who knows? Anything can happen. I might be totally different in a year."

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