Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals Dad's Throat Cancer Started Her Healthy Lifestyle; Dairy And Gluten Free Foods For Her And Family[VIDEO]

The death of Gwyneth Paltrow's dad from throat cancer in October 2002 was the catalyst for Paltrow's extremely healthy diet and lifestyle. The fight for her father, Bruce Paltrow, changed the way that she considered food.

Gwyneth's dad was an American film director and died at the young age of 58. Her dad's death was terribly painful and sent Gwyneth on a health food mission, introducing her to her new diet. Paltrow is now a strong advocate for a dairy and gluten free diet.  Her husband and two children, Apple and Moses, follow similar dietary restrictions.

Gwyneth Paltrow told Beach magazine, "I began to consider the effects of food when my father was diagnosed with throat cancer in 1998. I started to research anti-cancer diets in hopes that he would try to hit it from all angles."

The 40-year-old actress believes avoiding processed food and sticking to organic produce can have a massive impact on your everyday health and state of mind.

She explained, "It's about being mindful about what you are putting in. Good whole foods are the way we have eaten for generations. It's amazing how good you feel when you just cut out the processed stuff."

Her cookbook, "It's All Good" has only recipes with dairy and gluten-free foods.

Paltrow writes in the cookbook,"every single nutritionist, doctor and health-conscious person I have ever come across seems to concur that gluten is tough on the system and many of us are at best intolerant of it and at worst allergic to it."

While exercise is important to Gwyneth, so that she can maintain her enviable figure while still eating the foods she enjoys, she has found a good balance between them both.

She explained,"find what works for you. I think it's important to move a little everyday. If you don't have time for a full workout, do what you can; walk to work, take the stairs. Above all, don't beat yourself up. We're all trying to do so much. Ease up on yourself and do what's in front of you to the best of your ability.''

In the Beach interview Paltrow admitted she used to spend a lot of time worrying about her life and wishes she could tell her younger self to relax.

''I'd tell my younger self not to worry so much; to ease up on myself; that everything happened for a reason; to embrace the's all part of the soul curriculum.''

In early April, Paltrow slammed critics who expressed concern after reading in her cookbook that she avoided giving daughter Apple, 8, and son Moses, 6, gluten.

But on a "Dr. Oz," appearance, Paltrow explained the dietary restrictions were out of necessity, not lifestyle choice. "What is it, is that my son has very bad eczema and he's allergic to gluten and she's allergic to cow dairy. I try to make everything gluten-free for him because the difference in his comfort is unbelievable when he's sticking to what he's meant to be eating," she explained. "They eat Oreos, too, and they're normal kids."

How dare anyone slam a parent for forcing their children to eat healthy? As a vegetarian who flirts with veganism often, I know that I always feel better, look better and think more creatively when I'm eating Mother Nature's most simple foods. Don't fight Mother Nature or Gwythn! They are right.

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