Syran Forces Launch Massive Strike Near Quatar; Opposition Forces Launch Massive Attack

Recently in Syria a massive assault was  carried out near Qusair. The government has been trying to push back rebels and insurgents from this Lebanese city near the border of Syria. The Hezbollah opposition fighters, insurgents from a Lebanese militant group, allegedly incited or took part in the attack. They have not yet officially conformed doing so.

The opposition said fighters from Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group allied with the Syrian government, took part in the siege. Hezbollah did not confirm its involvement.

Qusair News Network, a pro-government network,, said "our holy rocket launchers, and our blessed cannons ... launching a terrifying attack on Qusair."

Shortly after midnight, shelling began and kept going on for several hours.

Airborne and ground-based bombing continued throughout the city and rebel-controlled outskirts. Militant groups apparently attacked the city center, but the Syran military was targeting both the city and rebel-controlled suburbs, opposition activists said. Pro-government news agencies reported that troops had fought their way to the town center, but rebels said the military's advance had been immobilized due to heavy combat, according to various but conflicting sources. Regardless, the longstanding Syran conflict saw one of its heaviest battles.

Over 50 people have ben killed, according to opposition sources.

"It got to 70 shells and at times even 100 shells per minute" an activist in Qusair said on Skype. "It went on like this for two hours."

An increased assault is expected on Monday, although the conflict quieted toward nightfall. The opposition-run Syrian National Coalition said there would be an "impending massacre".

And yet, the President Bahar Assad seemed optimistic about the results of the recent conflict.

"We have achieved significant results in recent weeks," Assad said. "The battle is long and we are making good progress." An emergency session was called to halt the "blatant aggression" that has occurred.

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