Obama Approval Ratings Improve After Week of Scandals

Maybe scandals are a good thing for Obama’s approval ratings. The President was rocked by scandal after scandal this week and more and more people seem to like what he’s doing.

Obama’s approval ratings seem to like scandals. Obama’s approval ratings rose to 53% this week, after the White House was battered by scandals like the IRS targeting Tea Party groups and deeper investigations into the Benghazi and afterward and the week that it was revealed that the Justice Department had subpoenaed phone records from the Associated Press. Obama approval ratings for 2013 have not taken a plunge because of the massive scandals that have hit the White House this week. It’s become real clear that Obama’s approval ratings are stronger than the scandals that have been buffeting the president this week. According to polls from CNN and ORC International, approval ratings for the job Obama is doing have remained steady at 53% since the week before the scandals hit. A CNN Poll taken in early Approval found Obama’s approval rating to be at 51%. A Gallup poll taken in early May found the Obama’s approval rating at 50 percent.

A poll taken on May 17 and 18 found that 45 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Obama is doing while the majority of Americans continue to approve of the way the president is handling the job.
According to the CNN poll, 71 percent of Americans believe that what the IRS employees did when they targeted tea party groups unacceptable, but 6 in 10 people who responded to the poll said they trusted what the president had to say on the issue.

While most reports have been saying that the polls have remained virtual unchanged from polls that were taken before the scandals hit, the real numbers show a slight gain in President Obama’s approval rating.

Either people can see that the scandals are being manufactured and over-emphasized by Obama’s political enemies, or people really prefer a scandal-ridden White House.

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