William Fine, "Man Who Shaped Narcotics Laws" Dies at 86

William Fine, the "Man Who Shaped Narcotic Laws" died at the age of 86 this past Friday, May 17.

In Beverly Hills, California, William Fine died from multiple atrophy syndrome.

William Fine was a magazine publisher, retailer, and the gentleman who single-handled helped Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller shape the narcotic laws for New York State in the 1970's.

After talking with Rockefeller about his wish to help fight drug addiction due to his drug addicted son, William Fine went to Japan at Rockefeller's suggestion, to research the country's ability to keep addiction to a minimum. Fine reporter back to Rockefeller with the finding that the Japanese carried out life sentences for drug dealers, according to The New York Times.

Such a harsh tactic appealed to Rockefeller and on May 8, 1973, Rockefeller signed legislation mandating minimum prison sentences of 15 years for selling two ounces or possessing four ounces of heroin, cocaine or marijuana. However in recent years these laws have been relaxed, according to the New York Times.

Fine's, a jack of all trade, was publisher for many magazines including Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Town & Country in the 1960's.

Fine was also a man of many causes. In the presidential administrations of Ronald Reagan and the elder George Bush, Mr. Fine was an adviser to the State Department for the international fund to boost economic development in Northern Ireland as part of establishing peace there.

Multiple system atrophy, MSA, is a rare neurological disorder that impairs your body's involuntary (autonomic) functions, including blood pressure, heart rate, bladder function and digestion. Formerly called Shy-Drager syndrome, the condition shares many Parkinson's disease-like symptoms, such as slowness of movement, muscle rigidity and poor balance according to Mayo Clinic.

Fine has been divorced three separate times to Patricia Purdy, Susan Payson and Rosaleen Garvey. Fine is survived by his partner Kay Pick and his four sons. 

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