Angelina Jolie to Play Her Mom In Biopic! Who Better To Channel Marcheline Bertrand Than Her Daughter--Another Oscar For Angie? [VIDEO]

Angelina Jolie is set to play her mom in a biopic about Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, that will start production next year.

Who better to play Bertrand than her almost identical, in appearance and spirit, daughter Angelina? Oscar winning actress Angelina Jolie has portrayed dozens of real life characters, but channeling her own mom is expected to be the most personally significant role of Angie's career.

It is confirmed that Angelina has signed on to play her own mother, Marcheline Bertrand, in a biopic about the late actress. Jolie lost her mother in 2007 to Ovarian cancer at the age of 56. Now Angelina wants to pay tribute to her late mom by playing her in a movie.

Mother and daughter were exceptionally similar. Not only do the pair have an uncanny resemblance on the outside, but Marcheline Bertrand, like her daughter Angelina Jolie, devoted herself to humanitarian causes, including helping women Afghan refugees and launching the Give Love Give Life organization to help fight gynecological cancers. The biopic will show Bertrand's charitable spirit and caring ways. 

Angelina's partner, Brad Pitt, will produce the film through his company Plan B. The biopic will go into production next year, but does not yet have a release date.

Jolie has described her late mother as "grace incarnate".

Jolie wrote about her mother and how disappointing it was to lose her too soon: "My mother fought cancer and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was."

"I feel blessed that she was around to see both my brother and I in a nice place," Jolie said. "She waited till everyone was OK. Then she closed her eyes."

The news of her new biopic comes just one week after her own double mastectomy after discovering she had inherited the faulty BRCA1 gene, which causes cancer. Carrying the BRCA1 gene means Jolie had an 87 percent chance of contracting breast cancer and a 50 percent chance of suffering from ovarian cancer. With the life threatening issue at hand, she decided surgery was the best decision for her and her family, a decision that her own mother sadly did not have the opportunity to make.

Jolie's life threatening event must has mustered up feelings about her mother's misfortune and led her to signing on to the new project.

After playing a plethora of real life women, channeling her own mother will be a film that the world will not be able to resist.

Prediction: Angie's second Academy Award, followed by a heart wrenching award speech at the Oscars honoring her mother. Do you agree?

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