20-Second Phone Charger Invented by a Teen – How Did The Future Harvard Student Come Up With It?

A 20-second phone charger was invented by a teenage high school student.

Eesha Khare, the inventor of the 20-second phone charger, is an 18-year-old student from Lindberg High School in San Jose California. She was rewarded by Intel for her invention of a device that can make a 20-second phone charger available on the market in the future.

Eesha received $50,000 Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award for the 20-second phone charger device she was able to invent. The Indian-American teenage student who is currently living in Saratoga, California will be going to Harvard for college and she said that she's planning to use the prize money she received for her academic expenses.

Eesha has always been interested in and very passionate about energy storage; that is why she decided to focus on this project as part of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2013. According to Eesha, a lot of people experience similar problems with energy storage. The need to find a practical solution prompted her to develop a super capacitor that can store a lot more energy.

Aside from being able to store a lot of energy, the super capacitor can also charge quickly and can last for 10,000 cycles compared to batteries that can only last for a thousand cycles. The teen scientist believes that her invention is a great improvement in the field of energy storage.

Khare said that the practicality of applications is the best part of her invention because after charging her super capacitor for 20 seconds, she was able to light an LED device already. That, for her, is really an amazing accomplishment and it serves as a sign that she knows what she is doing, and that her research will be applied in the real world.

This invention is likely to go a long way because huge companies are very interested in the device. Reportedly, Google is in contact now with Keesha  to discuss the details of the invention. 

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