We Diagram Taylor Swift's Disgusted Reaction To Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Embracing Backstage At BillBoard Music Awards [Video & Gif]

Watch as we diagram the entire interplay during Taylor Swift's disgusted reaction to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez embracing backstage at the Billboard Awards on Sunday night. We've got video and a gif that breaks down the brief, but hysterical, exchange.

The Selena Gomez Justin Bieber rumor-mill has been filled to capacity for the last couple months as they've told reporters they're broken up, then immediately snapped embracing in the studio or going to a concert. The very next minute, Selena Gomez is telling David Letterman how she made him cry. And a couple days later, they're back together. The whole young love thing is nice, but Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have strung us along their relationship ups and downs for long enough.

It seems like we're not the only ones sick of the two lovebirds (or are they?) as was noticed when Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were all spotted backstage after the Billboard Music Awards last night. Before we break it all down, just know that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted at LOVE by Cirque du Soleilat the Mirage in Las Vegas on Saturday.

"The pair got close and comfortable in their seats while snacking on peanut M&Ms and Mike and Ike's candy," a source told E! News

But when Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez embraced backstage after performing at the Billboard Music awards, there's one pop starlet that wasn't so amused.

The girl trailing along in front of Gomez, musician and "One Direction" fan punching bag, Taylor Swift, threw a ton of shade their way. Swift's disgusted reaction is best shown with the gif below.

Watch as Taylor Swift walks in with her best friend, Selena Gomez, but then notices her heading over to smooch her beau (or maybe not), Justin Bieber. Swift's disgusted reaction is exemplified when she sticks out her tongue in the universal language for disgust. Taylor Swift's disgusted reaction isn't that big a deal though, if she's trying to look out for her friend.

Or Taylor Swift's disgusted reaction is merely more evidence she can't handle being alone or witnessing others in love.

We're rooting for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, but we're also rooting for more of Swift's disgusted reactions because they're priceless.

Watch Switft's disgusted reaction play out on video around the 55 second mark of this clip:

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Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez
Taylor Swift
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