New Jersey Organization Wants Atheist Books Next To Bible In Georgia State Parks & Cabins; “We Expect Fair Treatment” Says Atheist Group Pres.

The leader of a New Jersey Atheist group wants atheist books next to Bibles in Georgia state parks and cabins.

Dan Silverman, president of the Cranford, N.J.-based American Atheists organization, said that his group is just waiting for an answer from the state on what the best procedure is to donate several atheist books, including one titled “Why I Am An Atheist.”

A fellow atheist, Ed Buckner, was not happy last month when he discovered nine Gideon Bibles in the cabin he and his family had rented at Amicalola Falls State Park in north Georgia. After he complained, park managers removed the Bible while they sought a legal decision from the Attorney General’s Office.

According to the AG, the state was on firm legal ground because it hadn’t paid for the books. The resolution promoted an agreement last week to have the Bibles returned to the cabins at Amicalola and other state parks. In announcing the decision, the governor said any religious group was welcome to donate literature.

Upon learning of the decision, Silverman’s organization announced its interest to donate literature to the state and began the process of inquiring on the best way to donate books. He also said, "We expect fair treatment, we anticipate fair treatment and we look forward to fair treatment. If the state is going to put Bibles in the cabins, they must allow alternate points of view — all alternative points of view without taking sides."

In a statement, the managing director of the American Atheists said, "We appreciate the governor's invitation to place atheist books in the cabins and look forward to providing visitors with the opportunity to learn more about atheism when they visit Georgia's beautiful state parks."

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