Florida Teen Kaitlyn Hunt Arrested And Suspended For Consensual Gay Relationship, Anonymous Group Launches #OpJustice4Kaitlyn Protest

A gay teenager from Florida has been suspended and arrested over a consensual same-sex relationship with another girl at her school. The girl, Kaitlyn Hunt, 18, has been arrested and faces criminal charges because the parents of her 15-year-old girlfriend suddenly pressed charges. Anonymous has stepped into action in a "Free Kate" protest.

The teen, Kaitlin Hunt, has been suspended from school and arrested for two felony counts of "lewd and lascivious battery on a child 12 to 16" because of her loving, consenting lesbian relationship with the other student at her school.

Internet political protest collective Anonymous has launched a petition in support of Kaitlyn using the hashtag #OpJustice4Kaitlyn trying to get Kaitlyn's charges dropped. They released a statement saying the following:

"Kaitlyn Hunt is a bright young girl who was involved in a consensual, same-sex relationship while both she and her partner were minors. She has a big future ahead of her and there are people, thousands of people in fact, that have no intention of allowing you to ruin it with your rotten selective enforcement."

Waves of support have come out on the Internet for Kaitlyn. There is also a "Free Kate" Facebook group with more than 13,000 followers and a Change.org petition pleading the Indian River County State Attorney's Office to cease all prosecution of Kaitlyn Hunt that has garnered over than 30,000 signatures.

Both girls were on the varsity basketball team together and shared classes because the younger girl, 15, was in an advanced academic program.

Celebs Kelly Osbourne and Evan Rachel Wood have posted about Kaitlyn on Twitter

The state attorney's office has offered Kaitlyn Hunt a plea deal. If she accepts it, she will be sentenced to two years' house arrest and a year of probation. This would be on her permanent record, accessible in any background check and mandatorily reported to employers.

Police suddenly arrived at Kaitlyn's Florida home and handcuffed her, booking her into jail. Her girlfriend's parents "feel like my daughter 'made' their daughter gay", according to Kaitlyn's mother. As a result, they have tried to have her expelled from school, where Kaitlyn is a senior. The school administration denied their request until recently, as long as the two didn't contact each other. Kaitlyn would be about to graduate in weeks-but she has been removed from school. She went to another school but will be allowed to receive her diploma from the first high school and to attend senior events.

"These people never came to us as parents, never tried to speak to us... and tell us they had a problem with the girls dating," Kaitlyn Hunt's mother, Kelley Hunt-Smith, wrote in a statement that was found posted on Facebook. "...They were out to destroy my daughter," she wrote. According to Hunt-Smith, the two young women had started dating at the beginning of the school year, and their "mutual consenting relationship" was known to both sets of parents for months before Kaitlyn's February arrest.

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