Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Back Together? Pattinson 'Torn' About Breakup, 'Could Get Back Together' [Video]

The Kristen Stewart-Robert Pattinson relationship might not be over just yet, say sources close to Pattinson. This comes despite Pattinson being spotted in a truck packed with his stuff since moving out with his former co-star in the "Twilight" films.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart may not be over just yet. A "Rpatz-KStew insider" told the New York Daily News the heartbroken actor has packed his bags, but "[he's] torn...they could get back together."

The Twilight stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were recently revealed to have broken things off after a fight over Pattinson's birthday party.

Pattinson was seen in his red pick-up truck on Sunday full of his belongings and the two dogs he shares with Kristen Stewart, driving away from Stewart's Los Feliz Home, reports the New York Daily News.

The 23-year-old Stewart had reportedly thrown a big party for the 27-year-old Robert Pattinson. But Pattinson said he wanted to a low-key affair with his male friends.

A source told Hollywood Life ""Kristen totally went out of her way to make Rob's birthday super special," a source told Hollywood Life.

"She invited friends over to go swimming and just hang out for the late afternoon and evening. At the last minute, Rob said he didn't want to make his birthday a big deal and said he was just going to hang with the guys."

During the ensuing argument, "all this old stuff came up" Us Weekly reports.

The Twilight costars "were bickering for days about the cheating, about how selfish she always is, about how moody she always is," continued US Weekly.

Kristin Stewart and her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders were photographed making out in Hollywood last July. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson reconciled after the photographs surfaced, but the jealousy was roiling beneath the surface for Pattinson.

After the photos surfaced and Pattinson broke up with Stewart over the cheating, the Twilight heroine apologized profusely to Robert Pattison over the indiscretion, saying in a statement, "This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect, Rob," she wrote. "I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."

But even with Robert Pattinson leaving in his red truck, he still loves Kristen Stewart and as the insider told the Daily News there's a chance "they get back together" because they're crazy in love.

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Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
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