Singer Sues McDonalds: A Piece of Glass Inside Chicken Sandwich Ruined Singer's Voice and Affected Job

A gospel singer sues McDonalds for allegedly ruining her voice.

Jacqueline Simpson, who is a gospel singer from Brooklyn, NewYork, filed a case against fastfood giant Mcdonald's. The singer claims that three years ago, she had swallowed a piece of glass inside a chicken sandwich while she was eating in a place at lower Manhattan, NY. And that unfortunate incident ultimately damaged her singing voice. Thus, the then-Soprano gospel singer is suing McDonalds.

Simpson, the singer who sued McDonalds in Brooklyn Supreme Court, originally had a soprano voice, but she had to change now to alto when singing because of the adverse effect of the shard glass to her voice.

"I still sing alto, but I can't sing soprano like I used to," she said during an interview in the New York Post.

Aside from her voice, her job was also negatively affected by the incident. The 52-year old Simpson works for the state's Attorney General's Office as a clerk in which she needs to make a lot of calls. When her voice became rattled and hoarse, she was often mistaken for a man. Since then, she always had to explain to the person on the other end of the line that she is a woman.

But McDonalds is not a stranger to lawsuits. 21 years ago, the famous fast food chain had to pay 3 million USD to a woman who spilled hot coffee on herself. And just last year, a franchise owner was blamed by a prostitute from Nevada for forcing her into her profession.

The response of the chain about the singer has yet to be released. This perhaps is a tumultuous year for McDonalds, as various complaints and lawsuits were made against the fast food company; the most recent of which is by this singer whose life was significantly changed after eating a sandwich with a bit of glass inside it. 

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