Pressure Put On Jury For Jodi Arias Trial: Death Sentence Or Life In Prison

With the Jodi Arias murder trial potentially leading to a death sentence, the jury has a tough decision ahead.

Since Arias was convicted on May 8 of first-degree murder for the death of ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, Arias getting either the death penalty or life in prison seemed likely.

According to Reuters, Arias will address the jury today allegedly to sway the jury from the death penalty.

And yet, Arias may in fact prefer such a sentence, reports HLN.

"I said years ago that I'd rather get death than life and it's still true today," said Arias to KSAZ after her conviction.  "I believe death is the ultimate freedom so I'd rather just have my freedom as soon as I can get it."

With such testimonies, the jury could consider life in prison a more fitting punishment.

On Monday, the jury heard testimonies from Travis Alexander's family. According to ABC News, Alexander's brother Stephen described the nightmares and ongoing depression since the victim's passing.

"I don't want these nightmares anymore," said Stephen.

"I don't want to have to see my brother's murderer anymore. I don't want to hear his name dragged through the mud."

As the Huffington Post reported both Jodi Arias' former boyfriend and childhood friend withdrawing as witnesses at the last minute due to death threats, it is unlikely Arias' statements today will make much difference.

Most agree that the death penalty is all but a certainty, reports CBS.

"I think they could put Mother Teresa on there, and [the jury] is not going to spare her life," exclaims Phoenix defense attorney Mel McDonald. 

Jodi Arias
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