Microsoft Unveils New And Redesigned Game Console, Xbox One

Microsoft unveiled the new Xbox One game console at the Xbox Reveal launch event on Tuesday and promised next-generation level technology with the improved Kinect motion controller.

President of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business Don Mattrick said the best new consoles would have a simple "all-in-one system." He revealed Xbox One with a new controller and Kinect sensor array that streamlines the console. The new controller will be included with every Xbox One.

"Kinect is completely redesigned to respond to you, your voice, and your gestures," said Marc Whitten, corporate vice president of Xbox LIVE, on stage. "Voice is now more conversational and faster."

The console and can power on with a voice command: "Xbox on" and uses facial recognition to log different users on.

According to CNN money, the controller has some changes to the exterior, but in essence it will provide the same game experience to consumers.

One of the new features is called Time of Flight technology, which refers to the 13 billionths of a second it takes for photons to reach the camera, thereby reducing lab, according to CNET.

"This is rocket science level stuff," Witten said.

Microsoft also stressed the various uses outside of gaming for the Xbox One during its unveiling, including being able to watch TV and movies and listening to music on the console.

Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi demonstrated how these features are enabled by a process called "switching," which allows you to shift between these different uses of the console by simply using the voice command technology.

However, the system also seems to be larger in size, which may pose as a problem for those with small living rooms.

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