iPhone 6 Release Date Delayed? Foxconn Denies Reports Of Delayed iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 Release Due To Laborers' Suicides

The iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S release date may be delayed as a result of several recent suicides by Foxconn workers, who manufacture Apple products.

Foxconn mass-produces Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad in China, and has faced scrutiny over working conditions in the past. Reports have recently surfaced claiming three Chinese workers in the Taiwanese companies' factories have committed suicide, according to International Business Times AU.

Foxconn has denied the reports of suicides delaying the iPhone's release date.

Hon Hai, Foxconn's parent company, told the Wall Street Journal that the employees' deaths occurred off company property and were not work-related.

The statement also said that one of the three alleged suicides was a new hire that hadn't even begun to work at the factory.

The most recent Foxconn suicide incident occurred on May 14, when a male Foxconn employee jumped from the roof of a building, according to China Labor Watch.

Prior to that, a 23-year-old female worker jumped from an apartment building. Just before that suicide, a 24-year-old male jumped from the roof of a dormitory.

It's unclear why so many of Foxconn's laborers commit suicide.

"Some estimate [the suicides] to be related to the new 'silence mode' policy at Zengzhou in which workers are purportedly threatened with termination if they talk on the job," China Labor Watch released in a statement. "One report said that the most recent suicide might have been associated with relationship problems."

Since early 2010, at least 24 Foxconn workers in Shenzen and Chengdu have commit suicide, according to PC Mag. Foxconn has dealt with this problem by forcing employees to sign a pledge promising they won't commit suicide.

As a back-up plan, the company installed nets outside factory dormitories to "deter potential jumpers."

Despite reports that Chinese manufacturers have already received the parts needed to build iPhones, analyst reports support rumors of a delayed iPhone 6 and 5S release date.

A number of analysts have claimed that due to "production issues" the next iPhone would be released later than the anticipated September unveiling.  

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