Chelsea Clinton's NYU Influence: The 'Of Many Institute' Is Just The Beginning

Chelsea Clinton's new role as the co-founder and co-chair of New York University's "Of Many Institute" signals a changing tide for NYU's multifaith education.

This announcement today continues her dedicated involvement with the institution that stems back to her assistant vice provost position which began in 2010.

"Among other tasks at NYU, she has helped to craft a strategy to recruit the best students and faculty members from around the world," reported The Chronicle of High Education in 2012.

With the "Of Many Institute," NYU and Clinton hope to build "a platform around multifaith education and multifaith leadership," reports The Huffington Post.

This continues the university's initiative with its Center for Spiritual Life.

"NYU's Center for Spiritual Life is...designed to enhance the educational experience at NYU by fostering a community of scholars who support religious expression, leadership, integrity, mutual respect, and open dialogue," says the official website.

Similar programs to the "Of Many Institute" include "The Mindfulness Project," which emphasizes spiritual well-being with medication and yoga, and "Faith Zone Trainings," which is "a resource for students, faculty and staff on campus who desire innovative education, contemporary resources and honest dialogue about religion and spirituality."

With Chelsea Clinton's aid, "Of Many Institute" will contribute to NYU's established ties to multifaith education with leaders from at least forth faith tradition, says Mail Online.

"[The program] will be a groundbreaking academic and programmatic model for multifaith education at the university level."

The former first daughter will address the 2013 graduating class from NYU's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service this week.

Chelsea Clinton
new york
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