O.J. Ex-Girlfriend Threat: 'You Better Watch Out So Something Bad Doesn’t Happen To You Like Nicole' [Video]

After O.J. Simpson appeared in court to appeal his 2008 kidnapping and armed robbery conviction in Las Vegas, Nevada, O.J.'s girlfriend, Christie Prody, broke up with him.

O.J Simpson and his girlfriend had been dating since he was infamously acquitted in the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown and her friend, Ronald Goldman at their Brentwood, California home.

Now, after O.J. appeared back in court looking fatter and haggard from his four years in prison, she's speaking up to Inside Edition about what it was like to date someone many believe killed Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.

Said Prody after seeing the much-larger O.J. in court, "I had to take a double take. I can't believe he's gotten a lot bigger and very grey since last I saw him."

Since breaking up with O.J. Simpson in 2008, Prody has gone back to her natural brunette hair color. She had died her hair blond to look more like the ex-wife O.J. reportedly had killed. But the O.J. ex-girlfriend nostalgia stops short of being a positive one for Prody, now 38 years-old.

At the time of Prody and O.J. Simpson's relationship, she was only 21-years-old and Simpson was 46-years-old. At the time, according to the O.J. ex-girlfriend revelations, O.J. was extremely concerned about his appearance and not letting the vestiges of time accumulate on his frame.

The O.J. ex-girlfriend interview turned up much more than that, though.

The O.J. ex-girlfriend interviewed by Inside Edition said, "He was always worried about that, about gaining weight. Image was the most important thing to him. Being good-looking was important to him. And even more so, the girl on his arm had to be good-looking."

 "I gained weight eating all those beans, because I can't get enough fruits and vegetables. My family's been bugging me to stop with the beans," reports the New York Post.

The O.J. ex-girlfriend revelatory interview continues withe Prody saying her ex, O.J., is trying to charm the court right now with his smiling.

"OJ is very charming. He's very charming and he tells you what you want to hear. He's very believable."

But the O.J. ex-girlfriend words were more explicit about the domineering and violent Simpson, who constantly claimed that because of Nicole Brown's lifestyle, she got what was coming.

O.J.'s ex-girlfriend, Christie Prody, even said he would threaten her while alluding to what happened to Nicole Brown:

"He would say things to me like, 'You better watch out so something bad doesn't happen to you like Nicole," Prody told the New York Post.

Listen to O.J. ex-girlfriend, Christie Prody back in 2009, when she talked about her abusive relationship with O.J. on Good Morning America shortly after he went to prison on the kidnapping and assault charges.

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