Miami Cannibal Victim Recovering From Attack But Refuses More Surgeries, Doesn't Leave Room [VIDEO]

Cannibal victim Ronald Poppo, a formerly homeless man injured in Miami last year in a cannibal attack by a "face eater" that left him blind, is recovering from his wounds but clearly traumatized.

Ronald Poppo, 66, had much of his face chewed off cannibal-style on a highway a year ago. He's still in the hospital, but surgeons say he's "recovering well".

Poppo's lower face and jaw were completely eaten off, but he's refused to get any more surgeries than the four he's had already. Further reconstructive work might improve his appearance, but he told press that he is happier to live a "simple life".

"He can't see what he looks like, and it's not important to him how the world sees him," Dr Urmen Desai, his plastic surgeon, told press.

Poppo lost one eyeball altogether in the attack and the other was destroyed. His naked assailant, Rudy Eugene, also bit off Poppo's nose. The public attack on a Florida highway in broad daylight was only stopped when police shot him dead.

Poppo told press he's "very content where he is right now". He plays his guitar in his room every day and loves following the Miami Heat on the TV up in the corner. At some point, doctors say, he'll be moved to a longterm care facility. Right now, staffers at the Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center say he's "grateful and happy".

"He wants the world to know he is not traumatized by this, and that he's grateful and happy. He's a simple guy who's happy just being alive," Desai said.

While nurses say that he is recovering well from his trauma, he isn't accepting visitors and wants to stay in his room. He's also gained 50 pounds.

"What happened was very traumatic for him but he's never said anything negative about his situation. He told me everything that happened to him but he has no blame for the person who did this to him," his nurse said.

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