In GIF Prononciation News, Jif Peanut Butter Is Pronounced JIF, Not GIF

JIF has helpfully told us how to pronounce peanut butter after all the talk about how to pronounce GIF.

A day ago, the creator of the GIFs, or the Graphics Interchange Format-quick-moving, simple graphics used from the early days of the Internet, frequently for kittehz and celeb doubletakes, announced how to pronounce GIF. And there was countless buzz about his simple statement.

Steve Wilhite, who created GIFs, won a lifetime achievement award at the Webby Awards for his creation on Tuesday. And, in lieu of speaking his acceptance speech, he flashed a GIF on the screen that read "It's pronounced JIF, not GIF." His speech, like all Webbys, had a five-word limit. Because even Twitter's 160 characters is too much, apparently.

Now Jif, the peanut butter, has reminded us that they like to keep things much more simple.

They tweeted:

And the tweet linked to, well, a GIF

GIF was pronounced "Word of the Year" in 2012. Steve Wilhite, who then was an employee of CompuServe, debuted the GIF file format in 1987.

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