Anthony Weiner Says He's Running For NYC Mayor And Voters May Be 'Creeped Out' But 'Not Asking People To Forget' Racy Twitter Pics [Video]

Anthony Weiner announced his candidacy for New York City Mayor yesterday in a YouTube clip.

But Weiner also said he doesn't want voters to forget about his "creepy" Twitter pics, which erupted in a scandal that forced him to resign from his position in the Houses of Representatives.

Today, Anthony Weiner began his campaign to become the next New York City mayor, but there was one problem.

It's impossible not to associate the 48-year-old father with the scandal that knocked him out of the House of Representatives in 2011.

"Weinergate" or the "sexting scandal" involved Anthony Weiner sending out inappropriate pictures of himself over the social media site, Twitter.

He was attempting to send a Direct Message to a female follower when he inadvertently sent it out to all his hundreds of thousands of followers.

The mistake cost Weiner his job as New York's 9th district representative, and almost his wife, Hilary Clinton aid, Huma Abedin, who he married the year before.

The two were recently profiled in a New York Times Magazine piece where it was clear Weiner was pondering one more go in politics despite his scandalous past.

Now it's official, after Weiner announced his run for NYC mayor on a YouTube video to the public.

The Democrat also knows he's got a lot of explaining to do, and he doesn't think voters should forget about his sexual indiscretions on Twitter.

He said he understands voters will be "creeped out," by the lewd photos of himself he tweeted then lied about in 2011.

"I'm not asking people to say forget it, it never happened," Weiner said on the WNYC public radio station.

"I made very big mistakes and I complicated immeasurably by being dishonest about it," he continued.

He also told WNYC's Brian Lehrer that during the campaign he'll be "doing a lot of apologizing," to voters, but he's hopeful they're "open to hearing" his ideas for improving the city if they choose to elect him mayor.

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