“Twit And Run” Driver Gets Caught Thanks To Brag About Hitting Bicyclist On Twitter

A "twit and run" driver hit a cyclist - and got caught by bragging about it. Some people think the Internet is totally anonymous, apparently - even when they're using their full names on Twitter.

Allegedly, Emma Way from the UK hit a cyclist, fled the scene, and then bragged about it. The "twit and run" driver was retweeted instantly - and slammed by critics, then caught by the police department because of it.

"Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier-I have right of way he doesn't even pay road tax! #bloodycyclists," Way tweeted.

Emma Way, 21, of Norwich, England was quickly identified. Twitter users instantly and retweeted the brag over 300 times, including straight to the local P.D. They virtuously slammed Way, dubbing her her "twit and run girl".

The Norfolk police department tweeted back, "we have had tweets ref an RTC with a bike. We suggest you report it at a police station ASAP if not done already & then dm us."

Yes, cops use social media. Shocker. And even if users delete their account, as Emma "Twit and Run" Way did, nothing on Twitter is ever erased-the full records are stored and accessible to investigators.

Toby Hockley, the cyclist, was tracked down. Police also quickly found Way and are investigating the incident. Worse, Hockley was a chef who was taking part in an organized ride, not just a lone cyclist.

Way apologized, saying, "It was a spur of the moment thing" and "I'm sorry. I don't want any cyclist to think I have hatred against them."

Spur of the moment?! Impulse control. Seriously. Way hasn't been arrested yet, but has spoken to police. Hopefully, she'll be prosecuted.

UPDATE: Way later told media that she "isn't anti-cyclist because she's a cyclist herself". Which is sort of like saying "I'm not racist because I had a Mexican babysitter." In small mercies, she was also suspended from her job.

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