Code Pink Protestors Fired Up: Obama Heckled During Speech On Drones After Rumsfeld Event Disrupted [VIDEO]

At two recent political events, energetic protestors from a grassroots movement called "Code Pink" caused disruptions.

The "Code Pink" protesters heckled President Obama during his speech on drones on Thursday and also appeared at Republican Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's event on Tuesday.

On Thursday, as President Obama delivered his national security speech regarding drones and the Guantanamo Bay policy at the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., the President was interrupted repeatedly.

The protestor who disrupted the speech has been identified as Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, which is self-described as a "women-initiated grassroots peace-and-social-justice movement working to end U.S.-funded wars and occupations."

The Code Pink protestor shouted at the President when Obama began to make remarks about the situation in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In response to Benjamin's protest, Obama asked her if he could finish delivering his remarks and also paused his speech at one point due to her constant shouting.

Obama even redirected his speech to address the Code Pink protestor, saying "The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to." Afterwards, security attempted to remove Benjamin from the room.

Just two days prior to this, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held an event to sell his latest published book, Rumsfeld's Rules, at the Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library.

The protestors from Code Pink could not hold back their disapproval of Rumsfeld, and wanted to remind everyone at the event that Rumsfeld had previously promised that the Iraq invasion to go after Saddam Hussein would not last longer than "six weeks."

Code Pink members were fueled by anger and shouted at the Secretary of Defense, saying "The ends don't justify the means" and "Rumsfeld lied; people died!"

The members who disrupted the event were escorted out by security.

Here is a video of Code Pink protestor interrupting Obama's speech:

The following is a brief video of the Code Pink protest at Rumsfeld's event:

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