Marijuana: The New Weight Loss Method?

According to the findings of a new study, people who had used marijuana in the past month had smaller waists and lower levels of insulin resistance than those who had never tried marijuana before.

Previous studies have also found that marijuana users weigh less than other people and may even have a lower rate of diabetes, Reuters reports. Cannabis and cannabinoid receptors may influence metabolism, as suggested in trial tests with rats and mice.

Fox News reports that researchers found cannabis smokers generally consumed more calories than non-cannabis smokers, yet ironically had lower body mass indexes and lower rates of obesity and diabetes.

However, these findings are "preliminary," according to Dr. Murray Mittleman, who worked on the study. They are not enough to prove that marijuana can make users thinner or disease-free.

"It looks like there may be some favorable effects on blood sugar control, however a lot more needs to be done to have definitive answers on the risks and potential benefits of marijuana usage," Dr. Mittleman said.

Current pot smokers had smaller waists on average than non-pot smokers. Users had an average waist of 36.9 inches, while non-users were 38.3 inches.

Recent pot use was also linked to 17 percent lower insulin resistance, which suggests better blood sugar control, according to Reuters.

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