Dissecting Big Bang Taeyang's Hairstyles

Taeyang is one of the most talented K-pop stars in the game. Not only can he dance like it's no one's business, but he's got incredibly smooth vocals and more swagger in his thumb than most people do in their whole entire being. Known for his powerful presence onstage but his quiet, modest offstage persona, Taeyang is one of the most likeable stars in the industry. Everything about Taeyang is pretty consistent in regards to his fashion sense and talents, but his hairstyles have always pushed the boundaries and today we're going to take a look at some of Taeyang's best and worst hair-dos.

When Big Bang first debuted, I remember distinctly analyzing each member and saying to myself that my least favorite member was Taeyang. My dislike for him had nothing to do with his talent or dancing skills, it solely had to do with his cornrows. If there's anything I hate in this world more than celery and body odor, it's cornrows. Nobody looks good with cornrows, and Taeyang falls easily into this category. Ever since he's chopped those nasty braids off, I've been praying to the Big Bang gods that they would never let this travesty fall onto our beloved singer's head ever again. 

Taeyang cleaned up nicely for the release of "I Need A Girl," and seeing him without those crazy cornrows made me all absolutely in love with the crooner. Without the crazy hair, you can see how handsome and clean-cut our Taeyang is. 

Looks a little bit like Seungri here, doesn't he? No crazy mohawk, no crazy color, just a simple side shaven look that makes him look like the Korean boy next door. 

This hair-do reminds me of the good ole' 90's when dyeing the tips of your hair blonde was the thing to do. Too bad, we're in the 21st century now. But aside from the throwback hair, Taeyang looks best when the focus is on his face and not on his head. 

Looks like he's got two pieces of turd stuck on his head. 

Though his stylist clearly forgot to gel the other half of his head, this look is most definitely very Big Bang-ish and Taeyang pulls it off beautifully. 

Taeyang went full for full grown mohawk look for "Monster," but whose bothering with the hair when you've got that chiseled jaw and topless chest staring straight into your soul. 

His newest look for 2013:

I'm speechless. This look might be worse than the cornrows. Wait a minute, yes it is. Who told him it was a great idea for him to rock a crimped, frizzy hair-do? Who? 

Big Bang
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