Obama Prom Picture Shared to Public, Carefree, 'Weed-Smoking' Days in High School Also Revealed

Obama prom picture surfaced, more than 30 years after his high school graduation.

Obama prom picture was released in public, showing the president's moment during his senior prom. Obama was 17 years old when the photo was taken and he was donning a lei and white sport coat as he pose with his friends.

The image was acquired by TIME magazine, showing President Obama, who was a student before at Punahou School in Hawaii together with his date Megan Hughes, his bestfriend Greg Orme, and Orme's date, Kelli Allman, then McCorkmack. The photo was provided by Allman to TIME.

"It was a really fun, happy time. We were all cracking up, and everyone was smiling. It was pretty typical from there out as far as what happens at prom: the dinner and the dancing and the photos," Allman shared in her interview with TIME.

The photo is not the only piece of memory shared by Allman as she also showed President Obama's complimentary note he have written for her in her copy of their high school yearbook.

"You are extremely sweet and foxy; I don't know why Greg would want to spend any time with me at all! You really deserve better than clowns like us; you even laugh at my jokes! I hope we can keep in touch this summer, even though Greg will be gone," Mr, Obama wrote in the yearbook. Obama even included his number in the note, and then he signed off with "Barry Obama".

Details about Obama's high schools years have emerged in public as well with a book delving into the US President's teenage years. According to the book, Obama and his friends created the Choom Gang (a slang for smoking marijuana) and he himself invented inhaling techniques. The gang also rode a car called the Choomwagon which is a Volkswagen microbus and they will go to Mount Tatalus, turned up the stereo as they listen to Blue Oyster Cult, Aerosmith and Stevie Wonder. They will then smoke some weeds and washed it down with beer. 

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