McDonald's Mega Potato Fries Are Sold Only In Japan: It Contain 1,142 Calories

McDonald's Mega Potato Fries was released in Japan and the fast-food chain revealed that it contains 1,142 calories, which is double the size of a container of large fries.

The McDonald's Mega Potato Fries will only be offered to him in Japan. This McDonald's Mega Potato Fries are more money, but the calories could fill you up for the right price.

"The Mega Potato will set you back 490 yen and also cost you a large chunk of your dignity and possibly a few years of your life," Japan Today wrote in regards to the new item on the McDonald's menu.

For comparisons sake, a "regular" large french fries container has 460 calories; a Big Mac has 540 calories, and a double-quarter pounder with cheese contains 740 calories. With 1,140 calories, the Mega Potato is more than half of a woman's recommended daily caloric intake, according to the Daily Mail.

Hannah Robertson, a nine-year-old girl from British Columbia, accused McDonalds of trying to fool kids into making unhealthy choices. She attended an annual shareholder's meeting.

"Something that I don't think is fair is when big companies try to trick kids into eating food that isn't good for them by using toys and cartoon characters," Robertson read during the question and answer session, according to Yahoo! News. "If parents haven't taught their kids about healthy eating, then the kids probably believe that junk food is good for them because it might taste good. Mr. Thompson, don't you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and happy life?"

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