Amanda Bynes Shouts Reese Witherspoon’s Line At Police: “Don’t You Know Who I Am?!”

TMZ reports Amanda Bynes shouted at police Reese Witherspoon's famous line when she was arrested: "Don't you know who I am?!"

Amanda Bynes showed up for court on Friday in a long, disheveled, platinum blonde wig - the same wig she was wearing when she was arrested Thursday for throwing evidence out of the window of her New York apartment and marijuana possession. She allegedly threw a bong out the window of her 36th-floor apartment. She claims it was a vase, WABC reports.

The wig covered her face as she was escorted to court. Although NYPD never released a mug shot of Bynes, a police officer escorting the 27-year-old was holding paperwork with a photo of Amanda without her wig, People reports. The picture shows the former child star with her hair closely cropped.

According to USA Today, Bynes announced to the courtroom: "I don't want any photos. No press are allowed in here."

The judge released her on her own recognizance. Bynes has a July 9 court date.

Amanda Bynes
Reese Witherspoon
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