Disney Channel Pulls ‘Jessie’ Episode: Parents Outraged By Show’s Insensitivity To Gluten-Allergic Children

Disney Channel pulled a recent episode of the show Jessie from regular programming after parents expressed their outrage with regards to the Disney episode's insensitivity towards children who have gluten allergies.

After the Disney Channel aired the controversial Jessie episode, parents were outraged and expressed their complaints to the well-known children's television channel.

The episode, titled "Quitting Cold Koala," included parts where characters ganged up on a child, Stuart, who could not have gluten in his diet.

The character threw pancakes at the gluten-allergic child's face, and upon seeing this, other students as well as the viewers laughed along.

Parents thought the episode was extremely insensitive to children who have food allergies. One mother, Amy Raslevich, who watched the Disney Channel episode with her children, was especially taken aback and offended by the comments made in the Jessie episode.

Raslevich, whose two children both have Celiac Disease, was extremely upset by this. Because of Celiac Disease, her two kids must not have ever gluten in their diet due to health concerns.

The outraged mother said that as her children watched the episode, "There were tears in my daughter's eyes, and my son's fist was clenched."

In a petition to Change.org, she declared the Disney Channel show's insensitivity as unacceptable and called it "the definition of bullying."

After the petition garnered over 2,100 signatures, the Disney Channel issued a statement on their official Facebook site in response, saying that they are removing the episode from the programming schedule.

Disney Channel also offered their apologies to those who were upset, saying "To our viewers, we received your feedback about tonight's 'Jessie' episode...We are removing this particular episode from our regular programming schedule and will re-evaluate its references to gluten restrictions in the character's diet. Please accept our apologies for the upset this episode caused you and your family."

See below for a video of the offensive Jessie episode.

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