NASA News For 2013 Includes Talks About Future Missions And Educating The Youth

NASA news for 2013 includes a meeting that took place this week in Europe.  The NASA news for 2013 had the meeting in Europe to discuss potential cooperation on development of space technologies that will enable NASA's future missions and an attempt to reach out to the youth more, according to

 The asteroid initiative announced in the president's fiscal year 2014 budget proposal was discussed during the meetings for NASA news for 2013.

The NASA news for 2013 meeting in Europe was blogged by Michael Gazarik. He is the head of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, which is innovating, developing, testing and flying hardware for use in NASA's future missions, according to

"During my meetings this week with the German Space Agency, DLR; the European Space Program, ESA; and the French Space Program, CNES, I had an opportunity to view and learn about our partner's areas of technology focus and expertise and begin the process of identifying areas of potential cooperation in space technology. Our working-level discussions proved to be informative and productive. Our meetings also allowed me to share NASA's plans for our new asteroid initiative. NASA recognizes cooperation and collaboration are critical to meet increasingly global challenges. I look forward to working with our partners as we create the new knowledge and capabilities needed to enable the space missions of the future."  

NASA is also attempting to get more involved with the youth of America. NASA said it will grant "mini-awards" of as much as $2,500. It also wants museums, schools or school districts, and youth organizations to implement existing summer and after-school student programs.

"Fun and interactive learning experiences are a perfect way to keep students' minds sharp during the summer break," said Leland Melvin, NASA's associate administrator for education in Washington. "NASA centers and other national partners offer great Summer of Innovation opportunities, but the mini-awards allow smaller, non-traditional partners to inspire students in their local communities through creative educational activities," a statement from NASA regarding its plans for the summer involvement. 

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