Tyler Perry Donates $100,000 In An Effort To Help Ohio Schools

Tyler Perry donates $100,000 to Ohio schools after he saw that the state's school districts were struggling.

Perry showed up at a musical concert in Columbus and donating $100,000 to help student athletes in the city's South-Western schools, according to the Associated Press when Tyler Perry donates $100,000.

The Columbus Dispatch reported that Tyler Perry donates $100,000 after he was drawn to Finland Middle School on Friday after seeing a TV report about teacher Mary Mulvany starting a foundation to raise scholarship money to cover fees.

South-Western schools earned national attention when athletics and extra-curricular activities were eliminated after a failed levy in 2009, according to the AP.

Perry told the AP that he wants to be a part of helping out that community and others going forward.

"I just wanted to see your faces and say hi to you because you all inspire me so much," Perry said to the crowd of excited children.

"Hundreds of kids will be helped by what he did today," Mulvany told The Columbia Dispatch, describing Perry's actions as kind and unselfish.

The actor asked Mulvany to keep him informed about the school's progress and the children's lives.

"That is so much hope and joy and love in that room," Perry told the paper with his arm around a beaming Mulvany, "And what is so exciting about them all is that they all have a story."

Perry talked to the AP after his address to the students and faculty.

"I think children are sometimes pushed aside, but the stories in that room can move a mountain," he said.

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