Female Suicide Bomber Injures At Least 18: 'Black Widow' Attacks Continue To Haunt Dagestan

25-year-old Madina Alieva, a female suicide bomber and widow of two Islamic radicals, detonated herself on Saturday in the southern Russian region of Dagestan.

According to Voice of America, Alieva detonated in the central square Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan.

Amongst the roughly 18 injured include children and police officers, with at least two in critical condition. 

Dagestan is no stranger to violent confrontations between Islamic radicals and Russian federal forces.

According to NBC News, both Tsarnaev brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon attacks on April 15 lived in this Caucasus province before moving to America.

Alieva, according to police spokewoman Fatina Ubaidatova, married an Islamist who was killed in 2009 and remarried to another Islamic radical who was gunned down last year.

A widow or relative of radical militants killed by security forces are collectively called "black widows," and they are allegedly convinced by Islamic militants that a suicide bombing will reunite them with their loved ones.

"Black Widows" have been responsible for more than 30 attacks and 900 deaths since July 2001, reported CBC News.

The term, coined by Russian journalists, began when Khava Barayeva and Luisa Magomadova drove their explosive-ridden truck into a Russian military headquarters building in Alkhan Yurt in 2001.

The practice is made famous by Chechen rebel military commander Shamil Basayev, who believed that a young or elderly female would attract less suspicion compared to their counterpart.

Since then, the hunch had been tested again and again.

In 2003, "Black Widows" attacked an outdoors rock concert and the National Hotel in Moscow, in addition to a commuter train in southern Russia.

The next year, two Russian passenger jets were brought down by the revenge-seeking widows, as well as participating in the Beslan school hostage event.

And the trend continues to this day, seemingly with no end in sight.

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