America’s Oldest Vet At 107 Will Relax At Home and Reflect On Old Friends This Memorial Day

107-year-old Richard Arvine Overton will spend this Memorial Day relaxing at home and thinking about other vets who have passed away.

According to The Daily Mail, the oldest vet in America says he will spend a major part of Memorial Day reflecting on those he served with that have passed away.

'I know I had someone from my platoon until recently, but he passed so now I don't have anyone that I know," he said. "So I feel lonesome by myself sometimes. I would love to ask some of them some questions, but nobody is here. Everybody's passed."

Overton served in the South Pacific during WWII, from 1942 to 1945. He lives in Austin, Texas.

On a happier note, Overton says he will also relax on Monday with up to 12 cigars and some whiskey, according to The Daily Mail.

He said he attributes his old age to yard work, aspirin, and whiskey. He takes a single baby aspirin every day and the physical work keeps him active.

"Whiskey's a good medicine," Overton added. "It keeps your muscles tender."

Overton was recently recognized for his service and record as the oldest veteran in the United States by the city of Austin's Mayor Lee Leffingwell on May 9th. He also made a trip to Washington, D.C. on May 19th to visit the memorial sites. The non-profit organization "Honor Flight" set up the trip - the organization transports veterans across the nation to visit memorials, The Inquisitr reports.

It was Overton's first time in the nation's capital.

"I was really honored when I got there," Overton said about visiting the World War II Memorial. "There were so many people, it was up in the thousands. And we danced and we jumped ... them people tickled me to death. It made me happy as can be." 

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