Jose Canseco Takes Polygraph: The Former Homerun Hitter Says He Will To Prove His Alleged Innocence In A Rape Case

Jose Canseco takes polygraph: Well, he said he will in order to tell the truth that he said the allegations against him in a rape case are false.

If Jose Canseco takes polygraph, he tweeted that it would be once for police and another public test in an attempt to prove he didn't rape the woman who is allegedly accusing him.

The tweet came Thursday morning, but there has been no report on when and if Jose Canseco takes polygraph.

He tweeted: "Ok setting up 2 polygraph exams about the sexual assault case one with the media and one with the police on the 5 of june.[name redacted] polygraph?"

The former MLB slugger and admitted steroid-user went on a rant of tweets this week to defend himself against the allegations.

"Are you prepared to tell the world why you lied," Canseco tweeted. "Those are very serious charges against me.your lawyer should advise ypu about purgery."

The former one-half of the Bash-Brothers went on to tweet about her and her family.

"I want u to look ur father straight in his eyes and tell him the truth.then look ur kids in there eyes and do the same."

On Wednesday, the 48-year-old Canseco sent out her photo and phone number to his 514,585 followers, according to In the tweets and photos, he identifies the woman.

He also tweeted how he said the alleged victim told police he drugged her and then raped her.

"For the record I do not delete tweets," he wrote. "I have nothing to hide. The truth always comes out."

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