Westboro Baptist Church’s God Hates Oklahoma Website: Hackers Turn Church Hate Page, GodHatesOklahoma.com, Into Donation Site

Westboro Baptist Church’s God Hates Oklahoma website has been turned, thankfully for many, into a donation site.

The group known for its “God Hates Fags” protests launched the site Monday, only hours after a mile-wide tornado hit the town of Moore, Okla., and killed 24 people, including children.

The site didn’t last long. Because whatever content the hate group was supposed to publish on the site – possibly the usual rant laced with judgmental notions on how America’s sins are bringing all these calamities, have been removed and it has simply been turned into a donation site.

At the time of this writing, the site was unavailable and seems to function as a standard parking page for registered domain name.

Westboro Baptist Church member have always capitalized on tragic events to gain attention and have recently taken to task using social media and the web to promote their hate.

They are widely known for picketing funerals of fallen soldiers as well as victims of tragic events. They have threatened to protest the young victims of the Newtown, Conn. shootings and a 9-year-old child who died from the Oklahoma tornado.

Fred Phelps, Jr., the son of Westboro Baptist Church minister Fred Phelps, blamed the destructive tornado on Oklahoma City Thunder Star Kevin Durant. Phelps insisted in his tweets that the tornado struck because God was angry at Durant for supporting gay player Jason Collins.

The hate group leader tweeted, “OK Thunder’s Durant flips God by praising fag Collins. God smashes OK. You do the math.”

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