Cop Killed In Ambush: Highly Calculated, Premeditated Crime Leads To Tragic Death of Kentucky Officer; ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This,’ Police Say

A cop was killed in an ambush in Bardstown, Kentucky. The premeditated ambush involved a high level of planning and calculation, and the officer was shot to death along a highway exit ramp.

During the early morning on Saturday, while exiting his car to remove some sort of debris from the highway exit ramp, the police officer was shot multiple times and killed in the ambush.

Investigators believe that the debris was planted on the road to be used as bait for the officer during the ambush. The killer most likely left the debris on the road and then hid somewhere nearby to wait for the cop to come and pick it up.

It is still unknown whether the killer intended to shoot and kill the Kentucky officer, Jason Ellis, or simply the first person who was attracted by the debris on the road.

Nonetheless, investigators and the police were astonished by the high level of planning that was involved in the crime, as the officer "didn't even have time to remove his gun," said Trooper Norman Chaffins with the Kentucky State Police, who is leading the investigation.

"I've been a trooper for 19 years," said Chaffins, "and I've never seen anything like this, the level of planning."

Officer Ellis, 33, was driving home at 2:53 a.m. on Saturday while passing by the exit 34 ramp, which was a daily route for Ellis. Trooper Chaffins believes that the location was "obviously not picked randomly."

Rick McCubbin, Bardstown Chief of Police, also said, "It wasn't a traffic stop that went bad. It wasn't an arrest that went bad. That someone actually took the time to plan it and set it up makes it that much more, obviously hurtful, but it makes you mad."

At this time, there are still no suspects for the ambush, but investigators speculate that the high level of calculation involved in the crime rules out the possibility of children or teenagers being involved.

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