Tests Confirm Menopausal “Brain Fog” And Links Between Memory And Mood

Researchers have found a link between memory loss and menopause. Mood and hot flashes during menopause may be the cause of loss of memory abilities.

In the past, women would often complain of a "brain fog" or a "foggy brain" as a symptom of menopause. Tests have now confirmed that women who felt their memory wasn't functioning as well as normal scored lower in psychological tests of attention and memory, Yahoo! News reports. The women's ratings of their memory abilities coincided with their actual performance on the tests.

Mood and hot flashes affected the tests as well. Women who reported negative emotions or severe hot flashes did worse on the tests than those who felt less negative or had fewer hot flashes.

According to Yahoo! News, it is likely that memory abilities will return to normal after the menopause transition.

Dr. Margery Gass of the North American Menopause Society, who is not associated with the study, gives some advice to women to solve their memory problem. She encourages the use of "notes and lists," which can serve as "little tricks that help us perform better."

She also said that depression and anxiety should be monitored, and that sleep quality is extremely important during the transition for women.

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