iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 Features Twice As Many Pixels & Possible Proximity-Based Volume

Whether it's the iPhone 5S or the iPhone 6, consumers have a lot of different things to look forward to with the newest iteration of Apple's iPhone. 

WeiPhone.com reports the new iPhone 5S display, if they don't skip that update and go directly to the iPhone 6, will feature twice as many pixels as the iPhone 5.

The report's source says the new iPhone 5 or iPhone 6 will have a more narrow screen frame and will be shipping in September.

In addition to the narrower screen frame, the resolution will be severely improved because it will feature 1.5 million pixels; the iPhone 5 only has 750,000 pixels. 

The iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 will have a lot more clarity with the increased number of pixels, but the source couldn't confirm how Apple had added the additional pixels. 

Apple's iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 could be using a 1.5 fraction to increase the pixel size, but that would cause a discrepancy with the fractional multiplier.

Also, when Apple's iPhone 5 replaced the iPhone 4S and updated their tablet-based iPad, they already increased the pixel size, which might mean the leap in pixels for the display is just a false rumor. 

Another component that could be added to the iPhone 5S or the iPhone 6, would be proximity-based volume control. 

CNET, reveals a newly patent application by Apple, which shows they've developed proximity-based technology. 

The patent is called "Adjustment of acoustic properties based on proximity detection," and it could mean your phone's volume will increase or decrese depending how close or far away you are from your iPhone. 

Says CNET, by way of Apple Insider, "The phone might detect your proximity by measuring infrared light or low-intensity sound waves or by calculating how much light bounces off from you and hits the sensors. The iPhone and other touch-sensitive devices could also tell when your face or ear is up against the screen as another way to determine your proximity and thereby adjust the volume."

The new iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 is coming this fall, and it looks like it'll feature a host of updated information, whether it's the increased pixels on the display screen or the proximity-based volume control, you can be sure it will excite or disappoint the tech community.

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