Hulk Hogan Burns Hand, Tweets Picture, Disgusts World [Gross Pics]

Hulk Hogan had an accident this Memorial Day Weekend. A radiator exploded on his hand, and he kept tweeting out pictures as the nasty scab progressed enough he had to visit the hospital.

It all started Saturday afternoon.

The Hulk sent out a tweet reading: "Just had a radiator explode on my hand. OUCH. HH" with a picture attached:

The drama of Hulk Hogan's burned hand continued, with the Hulkster tweeting out: "DOUBLE OUCH! HH" as the scab got larger and more raw.

Then it was "Triple OUCH. HH as Hogan's burned hand just got worse and worse.

That's when the Hulkster was smart enough to head to the hospital for his burned hand.

But he wasn't done showing his 500,000 plus followers all the gory details.

His next tweet showed what the doctor was doing to his now-raw hand:

This one isn't as gross as the pre-doctor pics, but make sure you've eaten a light lunch. The Hulk Hogan burned hand pics aren't for the light of stomach.

That wasn't the last tweet surrounding Hulk Hogan's burned hand though. He was determined to keep his followers updated on his condition.

Even if it meant more gory photos of the doctor cutting away the fried skin:

When Hulk Hogan burns his hand, it's a big deal, so Hulk Hogan is going to tweet about it.

His next tweet read simple: "skined [sic] like a cat. HH"

But then it was: "Slimed like a cat. HH" with another pic:

Finally he asks, "Would you like it rare." We wouldn't but we just can't look away at Hulk Hogan's burned hand.

Gross. The next time Hulk Hogan burns his hand, remind us to look away or unfollow.

Hulk Hogan burns his hand, then burns his Twitter followers, but he did apologize for the R-rated pics tweeting:

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