Fan Slaps Beyonce In Copenhagen; Lucky Danish Guy, Still Permitted To Watch The Show After Beyonce Told, “I Will Have You Escorted Out Right Now.” [VIDEO]

Fan slaps Beyonce on her butt during a concert in Copenhagen last Sunday but despite the rude act, he still manages to finish the entire show.

As Beyonce is singing her hit song'Irreplaceable', she walks to the smaller stage and interactswith the fans. She hands the microphone to the audience to let them sing 'to the left' lyrics of the song. However, when the singer is already walking away, one highly fervent fan slaps Beyonce on her behind.

But Beyonce keeps her cool after the incident with the aggressively excited fan. Before she carry on with the show, she halted for a few seconds and in jest told the guy, "Alright, boo boo. I will have you escorted out right now. Alright?"

Good thing for the guy, Beyonce decides not to boot him out from the concert even after the disrespectful act he did to her. According to NME, a news site for music, the man was not asked to leave the show at the concert venue in The Forum, allowing him to still finish the entire concert performance of the bootylicious powerhouse singer.

You can watch the viral video of the event when a fan slaps Beyonce on her derriere below.

Beyonce is currently in Europe for her Mrs. Carter World Tour to promote her latest album. The kickoff event happened in Siberia last month and the tour will end on August 5 in Brooklyn. Beyonce just recently released a single titled, 'Grown Woman'which will be a part of her forthcoming album as a snippet of the song was first heard during a new Pepsi advertisement unveiled during the half time show for the Super Bowl held in April. Snippets of her other two new songs were already revealed including Rise Up, featured in the trailer for the Epic film from Disney; and Standing in the Sun, used in the commercial for retailer, H&M.

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