Justin Beiber Gets Slammed For His Reckless Driving By NFL Stars Keyshawn Johnson and Eric Dickerson! Beibs Hides When KJ Goes To His House!![VIDO]

NFL Stars Keyshawn Johnson and Eric Dickerson are angry at Justin Beiber for his reckless driving around small children. Keyshawn actually went to the home of Justin Beiber! Finally, somebody(although very random people) puts Beiber in his place!

While Eric Dickerson has been tweeting Justin Beiber to slow down, Keyshawn Johnson apparently was so mad at Justin Beiber's reckless driving that the NFL player went to the Justin Beiber house! Here's what went down:

Keyshawn Johnson was leaving a party on Sunday night from his exclusive gated community in Calabasas, Calif. when Justin Bieber's Ferrari drove past at a reckless speed. Johnson, who had his child with him. dropped his kid off at home and then went to give Justin Bieber some tips in driving etiquette.

When Keyshawn Johnson got to Bieber's house he blocked Justin's Ferrari in the driveway and got out of his car to confront Justin face-to-face. But Justin ran inside of his house and refused to come out.  We don't blame him. Johnson is huge!

S after that awesome, yet very strange incident occurred, Hall Of Fame running back Eric Dickerson added his two cents to the Beibs driving controversy

Eric tweeted: "I live in Calabasas too and ‪@justinbieber needs to slow his ass down."

And added:

Hey ‪@justinbieber I use to have a white Ferrari too, but I knew the speed limit in neighborhoods where kids played. ‪pic.twitter.com/ur8DQbf3Ii

Can this story be any more entertaining!

Police paid Justin Beiber a visit on Monday night after complaints(by most likely Keyshawn) of Justin driving reckless.

Police received numerous calls on Monday complaining of Bieber's alleged reckless driving while in the neighborhood.

The complaints stated that the star was reckless and drove too fast while children were outside.

Go Keyshawn and Dickerson for putting the Beibs in his place! On behalf of all of America...thank you!

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