Ryan Lockte Gets Dumped Over Phone By Girlfriend On "What Would Ryan Lochte Do" Is The Publicized Break Up In Response To Low Ratings?[VIDEO]

Ryan Lochte was dumped by the British girlfriend, Jamiee Hollier on the E! reality show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" Ryan, 28, was dumped via phone by his girlfriend following a four-year relationship. But is the split just for the cameras in response to poor ratings?

Jamie was growing tired of their long distance relationshio and told Lochte he needed to step up his game on the reality show.

Ryan and Jaimee had had a heart-to-heart over Skype on his reality show, with the swimmer agreeing they needed time to think things over.

The new girlfriend dumped Ryan after she was recently introduced to viewers in an episode earlier this month.Jaimee was seen visiting Ryan at his home in Florida.

However, the pair admitted the thousands of miles between them was causing problems with their romance.

He said: 'One day we'll either go all in or we'll say our goodbyes, we just haven't made a decision yet.'

But was the split just in response to "What Would Ryan Lochte Do? Low ratings?

After the series premier of "What Would Ryan Lochte Do,"  the initial ratings were pretty respectable. Premiers rarely make-or-break a series, though; the truth comes from how well a show can carry their ratings through to future weeks.

The latest Nielsen numbers are out for Sunday, and Lochte's results were disappointing, to say the least. The low ratings could have been the reason for the couple's split; making headlines and catching potential viewers attention.

It wouldn't be the first fake stunt for reality television. The unscripted shows can add in new dramas at any moment, turning low rating around.

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