Amanda Bynes Wages War Of Words With Fellow Celebrities

She's been thrown off of a plane, arrested, sent to a psychiatric ward,  and filed sexual harassment claims against the NYPD.

May has been a hell of a month for former Nickelodeon actress Amanda Bynes.

The troubled starlet, who sources say is dealing with not only a drug problem but a psychiatric one as well, has been in a increasingly dangerous downward spiral this month.

Bynes' latest antics took place via the social media site Twitter. She got into a verbal altercation with notorious rocker Courtney Love as well as with model Chrissy Teigen.

Love tweeted the star a simple "pull it together", which then triggered Bynes' to get defensive saying; "Courtney Love is the ugliest woman I've ever seen. To be mentioned by her at all makes me and all my friends laugh!"

When Teigen tweeted to followers that they shouldn't "condone/enable scary and poor behavior," Bynes went into a bizzarely incessant rant about her looks.

"@chrissyteigen Ur not a pretty model compared to me. I signed to Ford models @ age 13," she tweeted.

Bynes continued "I don't look up to u beauty wise. I'm far prettier than u! I'm offended that you're saying I have a mental illness when I show no sign of it, but thankfully not one man that wants me wants you and you are an old ugly model compared to me!"

"You look 45! You're not pretty so I'm not intimidated by you! I think you're jealous that you're just an ugly model whose career is uninspiring! I don't respect you! You're no beauty queen! I'm a beauty queen!"

The only respone Teigan offered Bynes in response of her bizarre rant?

"I've moved onto ham now, Amanda. Keep up."

This isn't the first social networking feud Bynes has been in, earlier in the week she clashed with pop superstar Rihanna.

In a tweet that has since been deleted, Bynes said; "Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough."

"No one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my dog Rihanna." Bynes continued.

The only response Rihanna offered Bynes?

"Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?"

Bynes' fired back with another tweet that was later deleted.

"Unlike ur fugly faced self I don't do drugs! U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren't pretty u know it!"

The pop star has yet to respond.

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Amanda Bynes
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