Mother Of Chinese Baby Rescued From Sewage Pipe Says He Fell Down Toilet "Accidentally"

The mother of the Chinese baby that was rescued from a sewage pipe said that he fell in accidentally.

The mother, who has not been named by authorities, reportedly told police she gave birth in the public squat toilets of the apartment building "unexpectedly". She said that the baby slipped in to the sewer accidentally. She apologized for the act.

It has recently come to light that the mother supposedly was the first to raise the alarm over the infant trapped in the sewage pipe, but did not admit it was her baby until recently.

The woman didn't come forward until she was questioned by police. Investigators reported that they found blood-stained toilet paper, a pair of bloodied pants, and some baby toys in the room the woman rented. The room was in the same building as the one where the baby was recovered.

Police asked her to undergo a medical exam and she confessed. She said she "deeply regrets" what she did. The mother said she delivered the baby in a bathroom by herself because his father refused to help her and she couldn't afford an abortion.

The boy was rescued from a sewage pipe in Jinhua, China. The newborn became lodged in the public squat toilet system of the apartment building where he was found in the sewage pipe. Watch the video of the infant's incredible rescue below.

Residents heard the infant baby's cries, and firefighters were called to the scene. They cut into the sewage pipe and saw a tiny foot. They then removed the section of the pipe that contained the infant and rushed it to the hospital, where the metal pipe was then cautiously cut away bit by bit and the baby carefully removed.

The baby was about two days old. He spent at least two hours trapped in the pipe. His placenta was still attached and he weighed about five pounds (2.3 kg). The boy was on the fourth floor, so authorities cut into the third-floor ceiling to remove him from the sewage pipe.

"Firefighters and doctors spent nearly an hour taking the tube apart piece by piece with pliers and saws and finally recovered the newborn, whose placenta was still attached," the AFP said.

The boy is reportedly in stable condition, but with severe bruising and some minor cuts. Thus far, he is named Baby No. 59, from the hospital incubator.

A video of the rescue was aired on Chinese news programs. News of his rescue prompted an outpouring of support and anger towards the parents. It also resulted in aid and donations from concerned citizens.

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