Immigration Reform 2013 News: Republicans See Softer Immigration Policy As Magic Wand To Woo Hispanic Voters, Eight Senate Republican Votes Easy, Says Reid

Republicans have realized that softening immigration policy could work wonders in wooing the nation’s fastest-growing voting community, according to Policymic.

This was after 71% of Hispanic voters supported President Obama in 2012.

In March, the Republican National Committee officially endorsed the comprehensive immigration reform, and Reuters reported that party leaders are urging the GOP to pass immigration reform.

The historic bill won bipartisan support at the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month, and has now moved to the Senate floor. According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.),  getting at least eight Republican votes to get the immigration reform bill passed should be easy.

Speaking to Las Vegas Sun, Reid said, “I think we have 60 votes. Remember, we start out at 55 Democrats. I think the most I’ll lose is two or three. Let’s say I wind up with 52 Democrats. I only need eight Republicans, and I already have four, so that should be pretty easy."

Four Republicans in the “Gang of Eight” – the eight Senators from both parties responsible for pushing the landmark reform – already support the bill. They are, Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Jeff Flake (R-Az.).

Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah) has voted for the bill to pass in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but has not said whether he will vote yes for the bill on the Senate floor.

Another Republican Senator, Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told ABC’s “This Week” that he would like to support the bill, but would want to see some amendments first.

Reid foresees, from a February interview with ABC’s “This Week”, that the immigration reform bill will pass in the end.

Speaking to host George Stephanopoulos, Reid said, “It’s certainly gonna pass the Senate.”

He added, "And it would be a bad day for our country and a bad day for the Republican Party if they continue standing in the way of this. So the answer is yes."

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