Beaver Kills Fisherman In Belarus: Photo Released Of Wound That Led Man To Bleed Out [Pic, Video, Gifs]

Beaver kills fisherman in Belarus after the man attempts to snap a photo. The beaver attacked the fisherman and severed the fisherman's artery. The man later bled to death, reports the UK's Daily Mail.

Scroll down to the bottom for the gruesome beaver-inflicted injury, but remember it's a savage portrait of the attack.

After the man was attacked, his friends desperately tried to stem the bleeding.

But the bite went too deep and in too precarious a spot on the 60-year-old fisherman's body.

The fisherma, originally from Brest, was pronounced dead the moment he arrived at Sulim's clinic in the village of Ostromechevo.

He's believed to be the only person that's ever died as a result of a beaver attack in Belarus according to the Daily Mail.

In 2011 and 2012 there were a number of rabies-infected beaver attacks in Pennsylvania says The Mail.

Reports the Mail:

"In 2012 a Boy Scout leader of a New York-based troop was savagely attacked by a rabid beaver at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Pennsylvania.

Normand Brousseau, 51, of Pine Plains, New York, was swimming in the river with a floating device known as a 'noodle' when the beaver latched onto his chest.

After being bitten and clawed at several times, Mr Brousseau was finally pulled to shore by Nick Hedges, 16, who joined his three fellow Scouts in pelting the deranged creature with stones until it died."

Here's an example of how fast beavers can attack when they're threatened. This is especially true when human beings are trying to snap photos of the largely independent creatures.

Here is what the fisherman's leg looked like after the beaver attacked him.

Be careful out there fisherman, and make sure and avoid beavers. They can attack at any moment.

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