First Google Glass Proposal And the Bride Says 'I do' [Video]

A man, Breon Nagy, recorded his proposal on google glass earlier this month, and uploaded the video to YouTube today.

His girlfriend said yes, and it's believed to be the first proposal using Google's new technology.

The setting for Breon's proposal is Britain's Leed's Castle in Kent. The technology isn't quite as old however.

Breon Nagy successfully proposed to his girlfriend, Amanda Ingle, after putting on some Google Glasses to record the romantic moment.

First, we see Ingle on a balconey near a lake at Leed's Castle.

Said Breon, "If you were my Queen, I would buy you a million castles."

Breon had been carrying the ring around for a couple days before deciding Leed's Castle was the spot to do it.

Earlier in their day, Ingle had asked Breon if he'd buy her a castle. That's why he opened up the proposal the way he did.

Breon continues, as Ingle begins to smile as it dawns on her what's about to happen.

"Let's start our adventure together," and that's when it's obvious Breon is using the Google Glasses.

The perspective changes, and now we're looking at Ms. Ingle from Breon's one knee. It's an ingenius application of hte Google Glass technology because the viewer can be a part of the proposal rather than simple an observer.

Then Breon gets on with it: "Will you marry me?"

Ingle responds with tears in her voice, "Yes, of course I will"

You can then see Breon slipping the ring on Ingle's finger before she closes in for a contented kiss and the action cuts out.

Watch the first Google Glass proposal here:

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